U.S. Consumer Bank

Our customer is a major consumer bank headquartered in the United States that operates a personal banking business. Its business targets the lower income tier U.S. consumers who do not meet the new account deposit requirements of other large consumer banks. The bank’s main profit comes from the monthly fee charged for the bank card issued. The bank’s partners include Wal-Mart, 7-11 and other large supermarkets and convenience stores, as well as trade unions and other organizations. Sinobot provides automated testing services for the core business processes covering use cases such as online bank card activation, online sales, and account management. Test matrix supports PC-side Web testing, mobile-side Web testing and mobile-side App testing. Utilized behaviour-driven development(BDD) test tool Cucumber and mobile App test tool SeeTest in these automated tests. Utilized ReadyAPI tools for testing the core business function web service APIs through automatic test code generation and automation test runs.

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A Global Lifestyle Brand and Digital Media Company

A global lifestyle brand and digital media company that provides media publishing, ecommerce, social network marketing, subscription services to users through out North America, Europe, Australia, and Asia Pacific. Sinobot provides Onshore/Offshore engineering services for this customer in the following areas: Development platform based on latest Amazon AWS public cloud technology (including EC2 / S3 / EBS / VPC / Lambda / Kinesis / Redshift, etc.) . Software development and content delivery using the mainstream CMS framework and the Internet LNMP technology stack. Utilizing Agile Software Engineering practices with customers in close connection in order to provide rapid response to changes in demand.

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U.S. eCommerce and Social Network Influencer Marketing Company

A leading US eCommerce and social network influencer marketing company with a well known fashion search engine and network for retailers and bloggers that provides both e-commerce services and affiliate programs enabling bloggers and social network influencers to promote and create links and widgets of products to share with their followers. Sinobot provides Onshore/Offshore engineering services to help customer to: Utilize Amazon AWS services to build e-commerce websites in North America, Europe, Japan. Develop Microservices system architecture to support large service module extensions. Support high-level concurrent dynamic expansion for different modules configured with different sizes of system-level resources in order to achieve reasonable allocation of resources and user experiences. Improve database supports including MySQL/MongoDB/Redis/ElasticSerach. Ramp up engineering team for social network integration and influencer support. Build versatile and robust Angular framework and improve the usability of content and catalog management system. Provide CN/JP produce search support. Reduce overall product search response time.

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Semiconductor EAP and Factory Automation

Our customer is a world-famous flash memory development and manufacturers. Its products are used in many of the world’s leading data centers and on your favorited mobile devices and electronics. Sinobot partnered with semiconductor equipment manufacturers Applied Materials to develop customized software for equipment and factory automation in the following areas: Developed a series of front-end process equipment related service software according to the customer’s needs and integrated those custom software with in-house MES system to optimize equipment efficiency and production yield. Developed a series of plug-ins for the Applied Materials E3 platform to support factory automation needs. Provide professional service and consultation on software best practices for the overall development team to improve the overall performance and software quality.

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Private Cloud Computing

Our customer is a well-known university in Zhejiang where Sinobot deployed its private cloud solution to the University’s modern educational technology center, multimedia classroom and teacher’s teaching office. Sinobot leverages the University’s existing IT resources to help them quickly deploy a safe, reliable, easy to expand private cloud system according to the customer business needs and to provide students with the excellent performance of the virtual desktop. The end result is a virtual desktop based on the latest cloud computing and virtualization technology where work and entertainment do not interfere with each other, is super secured and much easier for IT to manage. This is accomplished by combining clustering, HDFS, cloud storage, network disk with custom implementations, deployment, technical support and security services. The use of HA, load balancing, disaster recovery top off the list as our accomplishments.

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System Integration

Our customer is the leader in the field of IDaaS and is headquartered in Santa Clara, California with 5,000+ customers. The customer’s customers include Fortune 50 companies such as Boeing, Citibank, GE, Credit Suisse, etc. Sinobot provides offshore engineering services for this customer in the following areas: Authentication services (SSO / MFA / EMM, etc.), rights services (password management / remote security / user rights management, etc.), server management and monitoring services. Linux / Unix service server and tools: C / C ++ / bash / TCL / python / Java / perl Windows AD console: C ++ / C # / powerscript. IDaaS / Cloud service: Java / JavaScript.

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Test Automation

Our customer is a well-known Internet company in the United States which utilizes manual testing before engaging with us. With our automated testing service, the customer gradually converted manual testing into automated testing realizing increased development efficiency and ultimately achieved CI / CD (continuous integration / continuous delivery) with significant cost saving. The project helps the customer reduce the amount of manual testing by 60%, reduced overall development costs by 20%, and improve the speed of software delivery and software quality. Sinobot helped this customer in the following testing strategy: Utilized Selenium as a page-driven engine for the customer to test browser compatibility. Developed regression test suites to test system/software features and user requirements. Utilized Codeception to create the BDD based automatic test script. Engineered a good integrated solution between acceptance test, functional test, and unit test. Utilized Jenkins as a CI tool with integrated closed-loop workflow supported by custom scripts and batch commands. The system can automatically deploy source code to the test machine, performs an automated test, and eventually returns the test results to the persons concerned when a developer submitted a code merge request (such as GITHUB’s pull request). This closed-loop system greatly reduced the original manual system involving the […]

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Luhya cloud management

就像CloudDesktop提供虚拟个人电脑一样,CloudServer提供虚拟WEB服务器,并以简单易用的方式来帮助管理员部署和管理这些虚拟Web服务器。只需要提交已经开发好的Web应用,CloudServer会自动处理诸如容量配置,负载平衡,自动扩展和运行监控等事务。CloudServer会根据自身的实际运行情况,动态的向CloudBase申请和释放硬件资源,包括CPU计算能力,网络带宽和存储空间。 易于管理使用:CloudServer提供了最快速简单的方式来部署和管理Web 应用。Web应用一旦提交即可上线使用,而且不用再考虑服务器资源是否够用等问题。 按需分配资源:CloudServer会根据访问量和存储量的变化自动的调整对硬件资源的占用。例如,可以通过设置虚拟Web服务器上CPU占用率的上限,来自动触发需要更多CPU资源的请求。 高度灵活可靠:可以根据实际Web应用的需要,自行设定虚拟Web服务器的对CPU和内存的要求。

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Luhya cloud storage

它能够安全、可靠的保持各种文件资源,包括但不限于静态/动态网页,Word文档,PPT,多媒体文件等。用户独立地创建这些资源并提交到CloudStorage以后,就可以在指定的圈子里面完成分享,讨论,改进等活动。它的特点是: 随时随地访问:紧密的集成到用户的个人电脑桌面环境之中,另外,还支持平板电脑和智能手机作为访问终端。 存储容量无限:用户可用的存储空间大小是自动扩展的,上限是路雅私有云管理的所有硬盘存储资源。 自由分享:用户可以自主的决定哪些数据资源需要分享,分享给谁,以及如何分享:其它人只能读还是其它人也能修改。 自动备份更新:用户对数据资源的任何修改都会透明的同步到云中,包括离线时所作的修改。

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Luhya cloud desktop

每个被授权的用户都可以自行制作和发布新的虚拟电脑,经管理员认可后,即可和它人共享。例如,在高校的应用环境中,就可以提供三个层次的共享:校级,院系级,和私人级。每个合法用户可以共享使用校级,自身所属院系级,以及个人私有的虚拟电脑。它的特点是: 不变的用户体验:云桌面能够提供和个人电脑上一摸一样的用户体验,包括多媒体音频和视频的播放,2D/3D应用软件等。 随时随地访问:在私有云范围内,任何地方,任何时间,用户都可以通过各种终端来访问云桌面,包括PC,笔记本电脑,平板电脑。配合CloudStorage应用平台,还可以帮助用户保存重要的数据和资料。 离线使用功能:通过动态缓存技术,为PC,笔记本电脑等终端提供了离线使用的功能。即使无法接入到路雅私有云系统之中,缓存的数据也能够让用户正常运行以前运行过的云桌面和操作以前操作过的数据资料。 对病毒免疫:用户对云桌面的任何改动,在关机以后会自动清除,这不但能为老师和学生提供更高的安全和保护,还能大大的降低和避免病毒和木马在私有云内部的传播和破坏。

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